Shea Hearing

The pros and cons of over-the-counter hearing aids

Over-the-counter hearing aids are coming to stores soon. Here's what you need to know.

Abbie Kopf
for Shea Hearing
Over-the-counter hearing aids might help people who are experiencing mild to moderate levels of hearing difficulty. For others, the OTC models aren't sufficient — screening is necessary to know which is right for you.

Addressing hearing loss isn’t always easy, as it means confronting what can be a very scary health problem. Yet it’s one of the best investments you can make: Untreated hearing loss has a negative impact on long-term health and also has a detrimental effect on family relationships and quality of life.

Hearing aids are one of the most common treatments for hearing loss. In fact, experts estimate that Americans purchased roughly 3.1 million hearing aids in 2014. Still, getting fitted for hearing aids is a big lifestyle and financial commitment, which is why some people opt to first try personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) if they're experiencing mild hearing loss.

“They’re basically for people who are not yet ready for a hearing aid but are experiencing some level of difficulty with their hearing,” explained K.K. Gross, who runs the clinical operations of Shea Hearing Aid Center in Memphis and Nashville.

These PSAPs resemble hearing aids and can possess similar features — such as feedback cancellation — but are much less expensive. For example, Everyday Hearing’s top PSAP of 2017, the LifeEar BOOST Sound Amplifier, retails for $300 on Amazon. On the downside, these devices aren’t regulated by the FDA and offer no personalized customization; consumers are limited by the amplification features included with each model.

Though you can already find personal sound amplification products on places like Amazon, new legislation will allow certain models of hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Take note: Some professionals have concerns and stress the importance of medical guidance.

How over-the-counter hearing aids are different

Thanks to new legislation, PSAPs are soon going to have retail competition from over-the-counter hearing aids. Last fall, Congress overwhelmingly passed the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017, which included a bill called the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017.

As its name implies, the legislation will eventually allow certain models of hearing aids — mainly ones geared toward people with mild to moderate hearing loss — to be sold directly to consumers without a prescription. The overarching aim of the bill is to make hearing aids more affordable to everyone — something for which many organizations, including the Hearing Loss Association of America, have been advocating.

Not everyone is excited about these devices, however. The Hearing Review reports that both the Hearing Industries Association (HIA) and the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) have been concerned about the medical implications of OTC hearing aids and of people treating their own hearing loss without a doctor’s guidance.

Still, these devices will be closely monitored. Unlike with PSAPs, the FDA is tasked with regulating OTC hearing aids to ensure that what people buy will be safe and effective. Thanks to the time it takes to develop FDA guidelines — up to three years, in this case — this category of devices won’t be for sale anytime soon.

Being able to pick up hearing aids at the store will be a big change from the past.

“Previously, any amplification devices had to be fitted by a professional,” Gross said.

Why medical professionals are hearing aid experts

Although it’s tough to beat the convenience of OTC hearing aids, there are distinct advantages to consulting a professional before addressing hearing loss on your own. First and foremost, the annual or biannual hearing screenings are more involved than you might think.

“Your ears are really close to your brain, so you don’t want to mess with your ears,” Gross said. “The diagnostic testing we perform not only assesses how a person hears the beeps, but how the brain is processing sound, how they hear in noise and more. We identify the type of hearing loss to determine the best treatment options."

This kind of depth is important, because it can reveal whether hearing loss is from something more serious than normal byproducts of aging.

“Many people will tell you, ‘Oh, I just have trouble hearing in one ear,’” Gross said. “That could be something medical that is going on.

“There are things that professional diagnostic testing reveals that may have a medical or surgical solution, versus just wearing hearing aids.”

Professional hearing aid fittings also provide a more unique, tailored experience that comes with built-in expert support. Adapting to new sounds and getting used to hearing aids takes time, and adjustments are almost always needed as users adapt to wearing them. For example, Shea Hearing offers patients comprehensive counseling that addresses all aspects of hearing devices, including how to maximize hearing aid efficacy.

“Not only do we work with fitting and programming the proper technology, we also work on the rehabilitation side,” Gross said. “We offer communication tips and techniques — things like how to retrain your brain and place yourself for the best listening.”

This guidance is vital, because having realistic expectations about what hearing aids can (and can’t) do makes all the difference in successful hearing loss treatment. In fact, Gross can already envision that some buyers of OTC hearing aids might be disappointed with the results they get.

“People will get them, and their expectations will not be met, and they will put them in the drawer,” she said. “That used to happen with older hearing aids.”

Taking care of hearing is important for all

Of course, even if people aren’t in the market for hearing aids, Gross stressed that they should be diligent about getting their hearing checked.

“Everybody should have their hearing screened annually, just like they do their eyes,” she said. “Or maybe every two years, if all of their thresholds are within normal range.

“If they have any loss at all, they should have their hearing screened every year.”

If you have questions about hearing and the treatment options available, you can learn about the best hearing loss solutions by visiting the licensed hearing aid professionals at Shea Hearing Aid Center in Memphis and Nashville.

This story is provided and presented by Shea Hearing.